In the Netherlands, the summer holiday is the longest holiday of the year for both students and employees. Most people then travel, rebuild/construct or relax.
Previously, this holiday was meant for harvest time. Back in the day the children free from school so they could help with agriculture during July and August.
The summer vacation is compulsory for children and the schools are closed. By region, the period is a bit different when the summer holiday starts and ends, below an overview by region:
• North: week 30 until 35 (21 July until 2 September);
• Mid: week 28 until 33 (14 July until 26 August);
• South: week 29 until 34 (7 July until 19 August).
During this period, the Dutch enjoy their free time. For example, take a day to the beach, rent a boat or a water bike, gardening or other chars, enjoy festivals, cultural trips, barbecue, visits museum, zoo, theme park, canal tours, etc. Enough ideas to make it a successful summer and enjoy the Netherlands in the best possible way!